Candidates running for office must join us in the belief that true representation springs from equal access to decision-makers. To secure that access we must also invest in community building that’s driven by participant diversity, collective decision-making, and sustained citizen involvement. Leaders must support an informed citizenry by availing themselves to platforms where New Orleanians can engage with meaningful back-and-forth dialog—not speaker-focused events that allow for grandstanding. We seek forums in which we can connect citizens and their concerns with elected officials who can articulate their voices, and represent them in an authentic manner.
We believe in the ultimate power of the vote. Registering voters is one of our top priorities, and we will use every opportunity and venue to register new voters and to assist others to ensure they are still on the voter rolls. Because of widespread displacement, many qualified voters have been removed from rosters, thus limiting their engagement and their participation in our democratic process.
To be successful in these endeavors we must also promote capacity building at every level. We must work to increase the skills and knowledge of our citizens. We must assist them to connect with the resources they need to help develop, survive and thrive in our complex society. We also need to help New Orleanians develop their citizenship skills, and experience the empowerment and benefits of participation and ownership.
We believe that boards and commissions—as well as our City Council—should be comprised of members who represent the interests of everyone, equally. Connect with us at Put People First if you are interested in helping us guide our leaders toward policy options that will benefit our community with equity and fairness.